The Project
''I will survive!" is running from 1.9.2020 to 31.8.2022. Number of the project is: 2020-1-HR01-KA201-077665. The project is a continuation of the eTwinning project and is now being implemented as part of the Erasmus + program KA201 - strategic partnership.
To develop skills of coping in emergency situations and to create a new school subject, manual and open educational resources. This project includes the development of emergency and natural disaster management skills of regular and students with special needs.
Expected Results
New curriculum of the new optional lesson, teaching materials, hanbook, open educational resources. All the materials will be translated into project partners native languages as well as into english as an official project language. Materials will be adjusted for special needs usage.
Croatia (coordinator), Turkey/Konya, Turkey/Hatay, Lithuania, Slovakia, Italy, Malta, Romania.
The project includes 4 Short term joint staff trainings and 1 Blended mobility of school learners.